Explore What Are TPD-Approved Vapes? | Vape Offers UK

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What Are TPD-Approved Vapes? 


The Tobacco Products Directive 2014/14/EU (TPD) became law on 20th May 2016 and it applies to all tobacco-related products, including both instruments for vaping and e-liquids. Vaping products fall within the TPD as they may contain nicotine or be intended to deliver nicotine, usually derived from the tobacco leaf. The directive concerns the manufacture, retail, display, taxation, and usage of vaping products, all of which must be put through the same safety and quality tests prior to getting into the hands of consumers.


What Are the TPD Regulations for Vaping Products?

With the implementation of the TPD, all vaporization products marketed in the UK and the EU must fulfill strict criteria provided by these regulations.


  1. Nicotine Strength Limits – E-liquids must not contain more than 20mg/ml of nicotine.

  2. E-Liquid Bottle Size – The maximum bottle size for nicotine-containing e-liquids is 10ml.

  3. Tank and Pod Capacity – Vape tanks and pods must not exceed a capacity of 2ml.

  4. Packaging and Labelling – Products must include clear warnings about nicotine content, child-resistant packaging, and ingredient listings.

  5. No Harmful Additives – Certain ingredients, such as diacetyl, caffeine, and taurine, are prohibited.

  6. Leak-Proof Mechanisms – E-liquid containers and refill mechanisms must be designed to prevent leaks.

  7. Notification and Testing – Manufacturers must submit all new vape products to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for testing and approval before they can be sold.


Why Are TPD Regulations Important?


The TPD was instituted to provide increased safety and quality of consumer goods. Prior to those regulations, there was very little control over ingredients present in e-liquids, the reliability of vaping hardware, or the way these products were packaged. As a directive, it makes provisions in ensuring that products vaped are:

  • Properly tested for quality and consistency.

  • Free from harmful contaminants.

  • Accurately labelled so users know exactly what they are inhaling.


How Do You Identify TPD-Approved Vapes?


If you're purchasing a vape device or e-liquid in the UK or EU, make sure to check for:

  • A 2ml tank or pod size.

  • A 10ml bottle limit for nicotine-containing e-liquids.

  • A nicotine warning label covering at least 30% of the packaging.

  • MHRA approval (for UK products) – You can check the official MHRA website to verify if a product has been notified and approved.


Can You Still Buy Non-TPD-Compliant Vapes?


It has been made illegal to manufacture or sell any vaping products that are not TPD compliant since May 20, 2017, within the UK and the EU. Still, however, a few noncompliant products might be offered under gray market imports and online marketplaces. Be very careful when buying such products because they are most likely not meeting TPD safety standards, and they might also pose a health risk.




Understanding TPD-approved vapes is essential for anyone looking to vape legally and safely in the UK and EU. These regulations ensure that all vaping products meet strict safety and quality standards, protecting consumers from harmful ingredients and subpar manufacturing practices. If you’re looking for TPD-compliant vapes, premium e-liquids, and the best deals on vaping products, Vape Offers has got you covered. Check out our latest range today and enjoy a safer, high-quality vaping experience!


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