Free Vapes to Help Adults Quit Smoking | Vape Offers

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Free vapes to encourage adults to stop smoking

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Smokers will be offered a vaping kit in exchange for handing in cigarettes

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  • Adults who want to quit smoking are being offered the chance to receive a free vape kit in exchange for cigarettes.

    Available to residents in Bath and North East Somerset, the kit includes a rechargeable vape and a month's worth of e-liquids.

    It comes as new data from Action on Smoking and Health, external showed that more than half of those who have quit smoking in the last five years used a vape during their successful attempt to stop.

    Becky Reynolds, director of public health for Bath & North East Somerset Council said: "There is strong evidence that vaping helps people to quit smoking and it’s less harmful than smoking."

    She added: "We are really pleased to be part of the national Swap to Stop programme in B&NES which means local smokers have an opportunity to try vaping at no cost to themselves.

    "We know how difficult it is to quit smoking and most smokers will have tried many times. Vaping is currently the most popular and most effective way to quit so I encourage smokers in B&NES to take up this great offer."

    It is hoped Swap to Stop can help the government reach its target of being smoke-free by 2030.

    Those who want to take part must be aged over 18 and be willing to share their contact details so they can take part in a follow up session.

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